Application Process For Next Semester Already Started!

Want To Study at a University in Finland?

Don’t Miss Up To €5,000 Scholarships!
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Why should you choose us?

We are one of the most trusted and top-rated student admission agents in Finland. Don’t just take our word!

Fast & Expert Service

Our experienced student consultants provide fast and stress-free Finnish university admission services

Partnerships with Universities

We partner with top Finnish universities and educational institutions to give you vast choices.

Striving for Excellence

We are 100% dedicated to serving our local and international students with the top service!

We offer a wide range of universities and courses

University Classroom

We provide universities and courses tailored to students’ budget and preferences.

Everything in one place

Our expert students counselor will guide you from the beginning to the end to give you the best admission service possible.

Shaking hands

Stressfree admission

We understand that the university admission process can be stressful for home and international students. That’s why we are fully dedicated to your case and ensure your successful admission.